For those thinking 'but hang on Andrei, why will a social credit system be bad for society, surely it'll be good or at least have positives to it?'.
There may be positives to it, absolutley, but there may be negatives, in fact, we know there will be negatives because we are all different.
Your actions, thoughts, friends, social and digi-social interactions will all be weighted by an algorithm that is programmed by humans, humans who will not necessarily agree with what you do, say and think.
And you will be credited and debited based on how you behave. This is why it is called a credit system.
Just looking at this from the large scope of a nation state we have 2 opposing sides in most western nations. Democrats and Republicans in the US or where I am in Australia, Labour and Liberal.
So does that mean that whomever holds government will get to decide whether that particular action or behaviour of yours is to be credited or debited? That is exactly what it means. One year you may be credited for your views on abortion, guns, welfare or whatever the trendy topic is and the next you may be debited and have access to things revoked.
We are very rapidly turbo charging our way into these nightmare scenarios without even stopping to think what might be.
I am telling you to stop and think and do something about it. Tell them no!