Right on. Its a similar thing to what I am doing Tom. I only ever used Medium as a test case for my blog and its content. It's perfect. You get to test your content for FREE, be paid and grow email subscribers, again for free, thats a great deal IMO.
But of course Medium like all other user-generated-content platforms, they lock you in to their platform and you are at the mercy of their algorithm. The best advice is to test your content on these platforms, grow your following on these platforms but then in parallel build your own thing, your own website, your own email list, your own followers... YOUR OWN ALGORITHM. Become your own algorithm. The most powerful people on the plant today are those that control algorithms. So create your own.
Crypto Fireside (my blog) will be moving to its own hosted domain and website in the very near future too, that's always been the plan. Don't lock yourself in folks with Medium, or better put don't lock yourself out of growth and earning potential. Build your own thing and don't be at the mercy of someone else's algo.